Customer testimonial

Saint-Lô and Coutances hospitals digitise their patients' records
Located in the department of La Manche (50), the hospitals of Saint- Lô (1,300 employees) and Coutances (500 employees) have pooled their IT resources to share the same information system.
In 2011, like other French healthcare establishments, they embarked on a major project to computerise patient records, called TACTILIS. Objectives: establish a single, comprehensive and shared Computerised Patient Record (CPR), accessible to all staff, whether mobile or not, and gradually moving to zero paper to avoid duplicate record management (paper and¬ digital). Launched in June, the project involves major scanning work to meet a dual challenge: digitisation of archives and real-time scanning of documents.
Quality objectives
“Hospitals are statutorily required to keep patient records for at least twenty years,” explains Marc Voisin, assistant director of Saint-Lô and Coutances hospitals, in charge of the Tactilis digitisation project. “Saint-Lô produced an average of 600 linear meters of paper records a year before introduction of the CPR, i.e. the equivalent of 6 million sheets. The volume stored in our archives is simply colossal.”