Auftraggeber Kundenaussagen

BVP group optimises its financial management with the digitisation of its delivery slips
A timber and building materials merchant, the Boyenval Van-Peer group (BVP) is active in the wholesale building and public works market.
With 11 branches in northern France, the group handles a stock of 16,000 product references. Each order, collected by the buyer or delivered by carrier, results in a delivery slip signed by the customer. This essential document is printed in several copies for each of the players involved in the process: customer, forklift truck operator, driver, etc. It also provides proof in case of litigation. «On average, we print 200 delivery slips per day,» says Thomas Vandelanoitte, IT manager at BVP. «Each slip can comprise several pages; that’s a lot of paper to archive. Not to mention that for each payment reminder, it is necessary to retrieve the slip from archives, a very time-consuming process even with optimal filing, which was not always the case, as some slips would go missing or would be waiting to be filed.»
The group was therefore looking for a digitisation solution, capable of scanning the document in image form in order to provide proof of signature and retrieve information to inject it into its management system and thereby improve tracking of the reminder process. Printed by a dot matrix printer in several copies using «self-copying» paper, the slip was printed in a specific format. All these features made digitisation difficult. The group’s usual hardware supplier was unable to offer a suitable solution. BVP therefore turned towards its provider, Partner Systemes, which introduced it to Spigraph.