Please find here all articles about digitisation and more...

Is the Digital Mailroom concept still relevant?
Is the Digital Mailroom concept still relevant? This blog posts considers the background and relevance of the Digital Mailroom concept in 2021.

Business for Automated Invoice Processing Part 1
In this 3-part guest blog, digital transformation expert John Stinchcombe considers how end customers can create a business justification for invoice process automation.

Interview - Conversation with new Spigraph partner, Telic Digital’s Nick Scarff
John Stinchcombe interviewed Nick Scarff of Telic Digital Ltd, a new Spigraph partner, to learn of the motivation for starting a new business at this time and their plans for growing their business.

Die Zukunft von Services und die beiden größten Disruptoren für die Branche
Die Zukunft von Services und die beiden größten Disruptoren für die Branche

What Exactly is the Impact of Digital Transformation?
What Exactly is the Impact of Digital Transformation? Changing business needs means we also must consider people and processes, not just technology

Improve customer satisfaction
Improve customer satisfaction

5 Predictions for 2016
5 Predictions for 2016