Customer testimonial

Spie Batignolles Nord takes the paperless road
In order to optimise space in its new premises, Spie batignolles nord started to digitise its archives six months before moving Despite the very tight schedule, the project was so successful that it has become completely paperless on a daily basis.
A subsidiary of the Spie batignolles group, a major player in construction and civil engineering, Spie batignolles nord, located in northern and eastern France, moved its premises in 2010. For the occasion, the company measured all the space taken up by its accounting archives. “No fewer than 80 big cupboards, the equivalent of a whole office floor!”, recalls Sébastien Vanneuville, IT manager of Spie batignolles nord.
Not only did the new premises satisfy advanced environmental standards (BB C HQE), they also provided a solution to the desire to optimise usage of space, the reason why the company had adopted the "open office" model. With this in mind, dedicating a whole floor to archives seemed inconceivable. In April 2010, 6 months before the move, the company therefore contacted Spigraph to design a paperless office project within an extremely tight deadline.