Customer testimonial

Société Générale adopts in-house scanning
To simplify its processes and improve scanning quality, Société Générale is going paperless: scanning the justifying documents for its customer dossiers "at source" by equipping all its account managers with their own scanners.
As a bank, Société Générale is required to attach justifying documents such as identity papers, residential and income documents to its customer dossiers. The originals are scanned during meetings with customers while compiling the dossiers. Until 2010, Société Générale had opted to outsource scanning of these justifying documents. The images of the documents were then reinjected into the company's EDM in file form.
The account mangers in the group's national network of 2,300 branches were required to photocopy the original documents. These were then prepared and assembled before being sent to the provider.
“The operating mode presented a few problems", explains Rémi Calcagnetti, Director of the Société Générale's "iMage” project, "including legibility. Scanning of photocopies does not always produce good results, especially on identity papers and especially when the photocopy is in black and white rather than in greyscale. In these cases, the photo on the card is unusable”..