March 6, 2013 | Press

Spigraph distributes Kofax Capture and Kofax Express
Spigraph International today announces the signature of a major EMEA partnership with Kofax plc, the leading provider of smart process applications for the business critical First Mile™ of customer interactions.
The agreement signed between Kofax and Spigraph will give Kofax a wider reach to the European market for its Distribution products and strengthens Spigraph’s software portfolio with packaged software including content extraction capabilities.
For Daniel Chautard, CEO and Chairman of Spigraph “the pan-European partnership with Kofax is an important step for Spigraph. The support of such a significant player in the Capture Market comforts us in positioning Spigraph as the reference distributor for Document Capture in the region. Joining force with Kofax, we now complete our offer building the most solid Capture Software portfolio available at distribution. We are really aiming at covering all capture needs, to offer our reseller partners and integrators best in class Capture Solutions and Kofax gives us today the opportunity to go the extra mile in this direction.”
This partnership is the natural alliance of two players focusing exclusively on the Capture part of the ECM Market. Spigraph will propose Kofax distribution software, including Virtual ReScan, Kofax Express and Kofax Capture.
“For Kofax, the appointment of Spigraph is a strategic move to ensure premium service to our reseller channel. The SMB market is widely spread in EMEA and we were looking for a partner who could provide the same high quality support that Kofax channel partners have come to expect, especially for our Kofax Capture product range – explains Thomas S. Senger Senior Vice President, EMEA Software & Solutions - Spigraph has the expertise of Document Capture and the service structure which allow them to provide the right pre or post-sales support to our partners in Europe.”