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Paprec optimizes its productivity through digitisation
In order to avoid bottlenecks, Paprec has just dematerialised its collection note processing chain. This project was a real success and gave new ideas to the company. Paprec now intends to extend digitisation to new documents.
The independent French recycling leader, Paprec processes more than 3,500,000 tonnes of waste per year. Once collected, waste is taken to plants for processing and/or recycling, leading to the issue of a collection note signed by the customer.
Once classified, these notes are used to invoice or may be consulted as part of customer file monitoring. Each of the company's 40 plants process between 300 and 4,000 notes per month, which occupies two people for two days on average. It is a considerable task and particularly fastidious as plants sometimes find it difficult to keep up.
"We observed bottlenecks in all plants," explains Cyril Cuny, Organization and Methods Director at Paprec. "In early 2011, we therefore started to look at digitisation solutions. Luckily, our notes already had a barcode. This was used as the basis to set up a solution."