October 21st, 2014 | Evénements

DocVille Networking and Exchange event in Brussels
Spigraph is pleased to join the information management community for the annual DocVille Networking and Exchange on 21 October 2014 in Brussels.
As a member of DocVille for many years, Spigraph is volunteering its document solution and industry expertise at the event as moderator, content contributor and sponsor. Also, in cooperation with DocVille, Spigraph will be distributing a new whitepaper at the networking exchange, expressly written for BPOs, DBPOs and Shared Service Centers.
Spigraph is participating in the following roundtable sessions:
Next Generation Document Service BPOs - From Back-File Conversion to Lucrative Document Process Automation
In this session, we will discuss key business issues and challenges BPOs are facing when going down the road of transforming from legacy digitalization services such as back-file conversion and scan-to-archive to a profitable new business in scan-to-process and day-forward scanning services.
The Future of the Channel – What are the Challenges, Threats and Opportunities in today’s Rapidly Changing Market?
Recent, disruptive forces in IT are changing relationships among customers, channel partners and vendors.
Topics for discussion include:
- Market trends – What market forces do we need to pay attention to right now? How are these being addressed? By whom?
- IT professionals in the new world: What new skills, capabilities and knowledge is required? How and who can deliver value to the channel partners?
- Enablement and Engagement: Are there new rules of customer engagement? How does this impact channel partners? The vendor?
- Successful alignment – how can “1 + 1 = 3” (“partner” + “vendor” = “new business opportunity”
For more information about the event or Spigraph’s activities within the DocVille community, please contact Jennifer van Lent at jennifer.vanlent@dicom.com .