Auftraggeber Kundenaussagen

The ONP industrialises its mail processing
After an initial project targeting the scanning of 2 million pension files, i.e. the equivalent of 220 million pages, the Belgian Office national des Pensions (ONP) has extended its know-how to the management of its incoming mail with a new scanning workshop adapted to its specific needs.
In 1999, the Belgian social security institution started a vast paperless project to free 5,000 m² of hardcopy archives. The success of this operation, completed in 2006, encouraged the ONP to apply the same system to its incoming mail. An invitation to tender was launched in 2007 to replace existing machines and related software.
“Drafting the specifications and processing the replies took the longest time in the introduction of our new workshop", explains Serge Libon, technical manager of the ONP scanning and archiving unit. "Spigraph won the invitation to tender as its recommendation set itself apart by the toughness of its scanners and offered the possibility of developing software solutions adapted to our specific requirements".