January, 2016 | Blog

5 Predictions for 2016
As we start 2016, you will be inundated with lists - predictions, trends and objectives to meet and exceed in the coming year. With all due respect to the list-makers and trend-setters, this is my attempt at a practical, forward-looking "best-educated guess" as to what our customers and partners will have in focus for 2016.
2016 will be the year we throw out all of the old phrases, terms and definitions which are past their "sell-by" date. We will move away from talking about enterprise content management but speak instead about the processes and structure around managing data and information. This was a hot discussion topic at a recent AIIM Executive Leadership Council Meeting, and I expect to see online marketers, thought leaders and sales professionals to change their approach and message to be more relevant and reachable, speaking in terms which are useful and descriptive.
Which brings me to my third predication.....
2016 is the year of "Process-Rethink". We all have etched in our brains the dire "think-speak" warnings of the novel 1984. Who can forget Winston's angst (and subsequent transformation by) the group-think minions whose sole function was to brainwash? OK, this is not so dire a prediction ....BUT I do expect that a lot of sacred cows (read: outdated processes) will be re-thunk (yes, I just made up this word) in 2016. And rightfully so - too many workflows, processes and practices have been designed to do one of the following:
A. Tick a box (think:“Our company must launch a mobile application!”)
B. Fit into a software platform process or out-of-the-box workflow
C. Map directly a manual process to an automated process
Do any of the points above resonate with your company? Yes, you know who you are, and I expect you will spend some time in 2016 fixing outdated company processes.
E-signatures will go mainstream. The industry has been talking about this for years - companies like @Kofax from Lexmark and @CoSign_ARX have compliant, secure solutions at a price point that any organization can implement. The time is long overdue for this proven technology to be adopted by mainstream users. Processes will also need to be adapted prevent users from printing and filing documents after they have already been signed (see AIIM Industry Watch, PaperWars Revisited, Nov 2014 ). This will require user education as well as changes in process.
The above predictions just scratch the surface and are based on many discussions with Spigraph's customers, channel and technology partners. You will likely be able to identify many, many more. I welcome your insights and predictions as to the trends and shifts in technology adoption for business use. And finally - and most importantly- Happy New Year and all the very best to you and your organization as you rethink your processes, implement your strategy and grow your business.
| About the Author: Jennifer van Lent is Director, Channel and Solution Marketing at Spigraph, working with Spigraph’s community of over 6000 channel partners, strategic technology partners and enterprises across EMEA. With over 20+ years industry experience, Jennifer is an active contributor and speaker at events, business forums and industry associations and is a regular participant in the AIIM Executive Leadership Council. |